Introducing Wosco Art Gallery, the First Hybrid Art Gallery in Latin America

Media Foundation
3 min readSep 9, 2022


Earlier this year, The Media Foundation partnered with Wosco Art Gallery, a physical art gallery located in Buenos Aires. One of our missions is to provide art platforms with a decentralized alternative to traditional CDNs, where they can freely build and express themselves without centralized control.

Within this framework, Big Bang –the first Latin American art exhibition that merges physical art and NFTs– was born.

Media’s decentralized content delivery network (dCDN) played an essential role in this exhibition. Wosco Art Gallery’s NFTs benefit from the speed and cache of the dCDN to download ‘.JPG’ files and display them with total clarity, improving the user experience.

“A CDN is a group of servers spread across different geographical areas that accelerate web content delivery by bringing it closer to users. Media Network is the only blockchain-based CDN with a working product ready to use today” explains the Co-Founder & COO of Media Foundation.

“Wosco Art Gallery arises, among other things, from a deep frustration with how traditional galleries treat artists. The NFTs throw away all the inequalities within the art world and push us to turn Wosco Art Gallery into a mixed reality gallery that truly represents the artists who want to market their works. It changed the way we see, consume and buy art. The NFTs bring the artist closer to the buyer without that ‘medium’ that is the gallery,” comments Paula Woscoboinik, (@pildorasdoradas), one of the gallery’s founders.

“The NFTs came to legitimize my work as an artist. As a photographer and digital artist, whenever I wanted to sell in an art gallery, it was always a commitment to the buyer. I always had to promise that I would break the file. However, that does not happen with NFTs because it is all written in a traceable smart contract. In other words, you can know who has your work at any time since it was minted,” she adds.

“We aim to help artists understand this new world and to teach artists the importance of total decentralization in artistic terms to create a fair world. On the one hand, we have the possibility of digitizing physical art and turning it into a non-expendable token to market it in any country in the world without bureaucratic barriers. On the other hand, we have artists who are still censored from platforms and applications because they are from countries such as Cuba, where they continually censor artists. With Media Network, we seek to avoid this problem since it is in the hands of the dCDN community to vote and not in the hands of a government or a centralized company,” Woscoboinik said.

“I think the artist has to dig into Web3. Anyway, I believe that sooner or later it will do so, as this is a new way of innovation. Hybrid art galleries, such as Wosco Art Gallery, will begin to coexist and go in parallel with 100% physical art galleries, NFT marketplaces, and museums,” she concludes.

Next Steps

In the following months, Media Network will be launching on Ethereum. We’re thrilled to announce we will be holding a launch party at the gallery with workshops, talks, food, and much more. Stay tuned for announcements regarding this!

About Media Network

Media Network is a blockchain agnostic, censorship-resistant, and community-powered dCDN enforced by smart contracts. We’ve created a decentralized bandwidth market that enables anyone to hire or provide resources from the network as the demand for last-mile content delivery shifts.

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Media Foundation

Building Media Network, a blockchain-agnostic CDN Marketplace.